Studio Dwelling – Another Architecture Podcast

In this episode, George talks to the Sri Lankan architect Palinda Kannangara about Studio Dwelling, the home and office he has designed for himself in Sri Lanka’s capital city Colombo.

The building sits at the perimeter of wild marshland, on the outskirts of the city, and has been designed as a sequence of dramatic spaces that concentrate the eye on views of the natural landscape that are framed by rich textures of the rugged concrete walls and reclaimed tile floors.

The house has won a number of awards including an RIBA award for international excellence and is an brilliant example of Palinda’s work with form, material, light and views.

At the end of the episode, he asks Palinda the three questions he asks allhisy podcast guests;
– what really annoys him about his home?
– what house has he visited that has really inspired him?
– and, if he could choose anyone to design him a new house, who would he choose?

If you would like to find out more about Palinda Kannangara and about the Studio Dwelling Retreat, you can find more information on the episode page at